Small and medium size enterprises (SME’s) in Costa Rica tend to have fundamentally the same problems, and therefore can generally benefit from similar solutions. Costa Rica Contable (translated as Costa Rica Accounting) has developed a model, called Arita, that solves most of the entrepreneur’s day to day obstacles. Arita focuses on generating wealth for SME’s and the entrepreneur’s company by helping to increase revenues and lower expenses.
The following sections describe the Arita model and service we offer. We urge you to read more about it online or save the PDF documents in your computer for future reference.
Contact us right away to get together and talk about how Arita might work for you.
Sergio Gonzalez
- We have used the modeling principles of software programming because it works perfectly to interrelate a great deal of variables, it’s easy to modify and update in the long term, and it provides an effective format to teach and discuss the concepts and procedures of Arita with the client’s staff, facilitating in this way its implementation and providing a structured continuous improvement process.
The decisions every entrepreneur (SME) has to make can be grouped into 6 major areas according to their nature (type of decision).
Nowadays it is imperative to keep the content of my information (raw and processed data) organized and easy to retrieve. The entrepreneur must understand what he can and cannot do with his computer equipment and software, as well as its cost at all times. It is of the best interest of the SME manager to enable security mechanisms on their information, seeking the best possible combination of these two somewhat conflicting needs:
Time needed to implement Arita and see results Home
If you are still reading this, you should contact us to sit down and talk about your business.
Call us at (506) 2253-5626 or email us to
Free initial consultation
Sergio Gonzalez